Working Through a Complicated Divorce?

Partner with a dedicated divorce and child custody attorney in Bethesda, MD

Although alternatives to litigation are preferable, there are times when you need a litigation attorney to defend your best interests. Contested divorces are difficult to deal with, and no one should have to face them alone. That's why you should hire Steven J. Gaba as your divorce and child custody attorney in Bethesda, MD.

I'll work diligently to provide you with sound legal representation and maximize the likelihood of receiving a favorable outcome in court. Call today to learn more.

Here to help you in whatever way you need

With the office of Steven J. Gaba Attorney and Counselor at Law as your litigation attorney, you can rest assured that you'll receive personalized and capable representation. I will:

  • Defend you against false allegations
  • Help you achieve the best possible outcome in your divorce or child custody case
  • Uncover information crucial to proving your case and defending against allegations of wrongdoing

Reach out today to discuss your needs with a knowledgeable child custody attorney.

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